Bulgarian Seal Point angels genetically have a combination of Dark and Bulgarian Green genes. Those that develop a light grey coloring on the anal and dorsal fins will be D/+ bg/bg; and those with a dark black fin coloring will be D/D bg/bg. These angels may also include Stripeless genes.
Bulgarian Seal Point angels continue to develop their coloring into adulthood. The body loses any dark coloring it may display while a juvenile; and fin coloring will often fade or darken based on the overall health and behavior of the individual.
It took us over 5 years to produce a BSP Veil. The Bulgarian Green genes do not follow expected genetic rules like the other known genes do with freshwater angelfish. But we kept trying and after producing thousands finally had two that were expressing the longer veil fins. After raising these two BSP Veils we now have them paired with standard fin BSP angels, and are now getting closer to expected results. And an added bonus, we have noticed that the standard fins are stronger and not as prone to deformities as we experienced before.
We only have a few dime sized veils being released at this time, but hope to have more later this summer.
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